Thursday, 11 November 2010

Our Pitch and Post Pitch Feedback

Here is our pitch..We successful showed this to the rest of our media group.

Our pitch included the following:

Video Influences
Health and Safety
Our chosen music video
Audience Profile
Permission of our artist
Possible Location(s)

During our pitch the rest of our class were asked to fill out feedback to show us what they liked/ or how we could improve..

Here are all our comments we received are our pitch.

Question One - Comments on suitability for stated target audience?

From this question we gained valuable feedback. The majority of our peers commented that our target audience is well suited to the genre, This shows we spent a lot of time when thinking about our intended target audience. We found our target audience by creating a detailed audience profile and already having an understanding of the Grime genre, our audience profile described a stereotypical Grime listener.

Our peers commented comments such as..

'Very detailed and well put across', 'Clear audience profile, very well suited for the genre', 'I feel song would suit the target audience effectively.

Question Two - Comments on the originality of the idea?

From this questions we gained mixed feelings. A few commented that our idea wasn't very original so it could come across as boring, but other pupils said that our idea could be interesting if our video was completed to a good standard. e.g Making it more entropic than a normal Grime video. This feedback was good as we now know we have to make our video different in some way, we could make it different by making our video look very professional as many Grime videos look very home-made due to the camera being hand-held.

Here is some feedback from this question - ' Very mainstream but does have aspects of original ideas. 'Been used a lot, not very original, try not to copycat'. 'Original, but could be very good if done well and made different.'

Question 3- Comments and thoughts on the logistical arrangements?

From this question we gained valuable feedback, many people commented that our locations were well thought about, this was good as we wanted to see what people reactions would be of us filming on the streets, also we had good feedback from our healthy and safety points. We also gained a few criticisms from this question.. a pupil commented 'Back up plan if weather isn't suitable?' We need to think hard about this as most of our videoing is due to be filmed outdoors. We also need to plan on how we are getting to our chosen locations, this needs to be thought about thoroughly as a lot of planning is needed, we need to travel to locations safely and carefully with all our filming equipment.

Question 4- Comments on the technical aspects of the idea - does it sound achievable with the college equipment?

All of the class said our idea was very much achievable with the college cameras, all we need to do now is film our video to a very high standard.

Question 5 - Does the idea sound realistic?

Again the majority of our media group said our idea was realistic, but our song needs to match the video. We need to think fully about whether we want our video to be amplifying or illustrative.

Question 6 - Overall, does this idea sound exciting and achievable?

'Sounds achievable and exciting', .Yeah, not al ot of people have done a video in this genre or style, so i think it would be interesting to see what it looks like overall', 'this idea sounds achievable and potentially exciting for this genre of music'.

From this we found out that a lot of people were interested in seeing how our video will turn out, I hope our video looks very professional once finished.

Overall all of feedback was mostly good and it is good that people have told us how we can improve and make a better music video.

After our pitch We spoke to our media teacher, he gave us a few targets. These were;

1.Think about ethnicity of performers and other cast members as most Grime artists are black.
2.Think through filming times. e.g At night and the safety involved.
3.Practice filming in low lighting.

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