Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Redundancy And Entropy.

Chiddy Bang - The Opposite Of Adults.
First of all the setting of this music video is very redundant as it is shot in many normal places such as Skate parks, a school, basketball court and a park, there is nothing unexpected about the mise en scene in this video as everything is quite normal e.g the clothing, the two band members are just wearing everyday clothing such as a pair of jeans and a hoodie. The lyrical content and music is low redundant as every piece of music has some sort of lyrics and dancing etc, they are standing in front of the camera which is also very typical of a music video. The title of the song 'Opposite Of Adults' is very entropic for many reasons, firstly the band members are doing things children would do, We see them jumping on beds, Dressing up and fighting, this is not normal by adults so therefore their is a factor of unpredictability. Another entropic scene is when we see the two male's with 'Wobbly' head's, this is entropic as it is not realistic.

Boy Better Know- Goin' In.
This video is highly entropic to a UK Grime listener as most UK Grime video's are set in the street's of urban cities such as Birmingham and London athe video's and are produced on a low budget. This video from 'Boy Better Know' is set in a normal everyday household so most people will see this video as redundant if you are not familiar with the genre Grime. There are other aspects of this video that make it highly redundant one being that the group are dancing are singing in front of the camera this is expected in a music video. The clothing of the group is also fairly redundant as they are just wearing standard clothing which is predictable, the cut's in the video are fairly quick connoting that the pace of the video is fast and their is alot going on. The way the video is filmed using a hand held camera shows a low sense of entropy.

Drake - Over
This video starts off with both redundant and entropic part's, firstly the start of the music video is highly redundant as Drake is just sat on a bed and there is nothing unexpected about this scene, but there is parts where entropy is expressed as the room starts to change e.g lighting, and their are special effects e.g the wall turned into a road. This can be seen as entropic as we do not expect for the room to change so quickly. We then see Drake on his own with a black background, there is nothing unexpected as it is completely normal. Drakes clothing is also predictable, he is American so we expect him to wear baggy clothing. Lip syncing is highly redundant as every music artist lip syncs in their music videos.

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