Monday, 17 January 2011

Time Plan Update

Unfortunately we were unable to start filming on time, this was due to many reasons. Firstly availability of cameras was low as so many students need to use them. Other factors such as actors being busy and the weather being poor which causes bad lighting have also affected filming our music video.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Gaining Permission To Film.

As we are filming on the streets we need to gain permission, to do this i went around the locations and spoke to owners of surrounding houses and explained that we are going filiming from the 4th January. Everyone was fine with this and didnt mind their houses being in our video.

Risk Assesment

Risks When filming our video;

Risk - Traffic
Rating- 8/10
How to overcome this risk - When filming at one of our chosen locations (the streets ) we need to be careful of oncoming traffic so we do not get hurt. To overcome this danger we need to look both left and right if we need to cross the street. Also we need to be sure that there are no cars within the area of filming when we are filming our shots. When a car appears we need to stay well away from the danger.

Risk - Wires
Rating- 5/10
How to overcome this risk - Wires are very dangerous for many reasons, firstly when we are filiming in the studio we need to make sure they are no loose cables for us to get electrocuted on or for us to trip over on. Secondly we cannot have any liquids such as water need the cables as again we may get electrocuted. To overcome this risk we will make sure that all cables are put away so we cannot trip over, finally we will make sure no liquids are in the room and all cables are safe.

Risk - Weather
Rating- 6/10
How to overcome this risk - The weather can effect is in many ways. Firstly the weather may be insufficient e.g rain or snow. we will make sure the weather is dry before filming so we can protect both ourselves and the filming equipment

Risk - Lighting
Rating- 3/10
How to overcome this risk - As we maybe filming for a long time in the studio there is a risk of the lights getting very hot, to overcome us gaining burns we will keep a close eye on how hot the lights get, if they are too hot we will bring filming to a hault and continue when the temperature cools down.

Risk - Dropping equipment
Rating- 3/10
How to overcome this risk - before filming we will make sure our equipment is nice and sturdy. The camera must be on a tripod so it reduces the risk of us dropping equipment, we may also injure ourselves if the equipment drops as it is fairly heavy.